Registration > Registration information

How to register ?

Registrations are open until June 24th, 2025. For now, only check payments are accepted, but card payments will be available soon.

Early birds can benefit from a reduced price if they register before March 31st, 2025.

To register, please visit the registration page and complete the form.


Registration fees (VAT excluded)



 Early bird 

(Until 2025/03/31)

650€ HT



900€ HT



370€ HT

Gala diner included !


Accompanying person

If you have an accompanying person, an additional fee of 100€ excl. VAT per person will be added to cover the Gala Dinner.

Please indicate their attendance in the registration form under "Number of accompanying persons."


An "Accompanying Person" is someone who accompanies a full delegate but takes no part in the conference. An example is the wife or husband of an author.

The following conditions apply:

  • An accompanying person must register with a Full or Student delegate (ie they may not attend the symposium alone).
  • The Accompanying Person registration provides access to the gala dinner.
  • It does not allow entry to any conference sessions or talks, or a published paper, or a set of proceedings.
  • Under no circumstances may authors or co-authors of conference papers register as accompanying persons.


Cancellation policy

All requests for cancellation must be made in writing and sent to with the bank account details to which any refund may be made.


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